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Up to 1992 there had been a law valid on the territory of Russian Federation, according to which people resident in Russian Federation should be issued with driving licenses of the format specified since Soviet times. New technical inventions brought about the necessity of producing driving licenses better protected from forgery as compared with previous ones.

In March 1992 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation and OTT Joint-Stock Company (Associated Member of ROSH Group Companies) signed an agreement "On Introducing in Russian Federation the automated system of production, issuance, and registration of driving licenses on the basis of using optic-electronic facilities of photographic identification, computer equipment and colour one-step photographic materials ", in compliance with which introduction of new type driving licenses should be implemented on the territory of Russian Federation in several stages.

In 1992 according to Order # 460 of 16.12.92 issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, OTT Joint-Stock Company began development new type driving license project. Later (beginning from July 1996) due to obligatory licensing OTT obtained general license and started operations in all regions of Russian Federation through its subcontractors.

In 1996 OTT hired Konfin CJSC (Associated Member of ROSH Group Companies) to act as the Company's subcontractor in Povolgskiy region of Russia. Konfin CJSC operates in Povolgskiy region in compliance with normative acts issued by the Head Department of the State Inspection for Traffic Security. The company concluded agreements with the Inspection's regional divisions.

Beginning from the second part of 1998 scheduled exchange of old driving licenses for new ones began in Povolgskiy region. Along with this exchange Konfin CJSC carries out introduction of automated information and search systems "The Driver" and "The Motor Transport".

Technlogical Process of Issuing Driving Licenses

Konfin CJSC is responsible for purchasing and transportation of equipment sets (complexes) for driving license production, their commissioning, and continuous supply with materials.

When producing new type driving licenses on the basis of new technologies and materials, the main task is forming a single federal database which makes it possible for employees of the State Inspection for Traffic Security quickly obtain necessary information about a driver.

Information in the database can be used only by the Inspection employees with certain level of access for official purposes only.

Procedure of issuing driving licenses is regulated by respective instructions approved by the Head Department of the State Inspection for Traffic Security and includes three following stages:

1. Entering data in the database and its checking for discovering committed infringements of existing laws.
         2. Photographing a client and taking fee for the services rendered.
         3. Assembling, lamination and issuing a license to a client.

Three employees (per one complex) are required to issue driving licenses and keep the database: computer operator, assistant to the operator and photographer.

As a result of Konfin's activity in the framework of the project new working places are formed in more than 50 areas of Povolgskiy region. The company promotes increasing the number of employed people.

Operating and Financial Information

From March 1995 to December 1998 30 complexes for driving license production were opened in Povolgskiy region. More than 216,000 new type driving licenses were issued in the above-mentioned period. It means that 54,000 driving licenses were issued per annum, which exceeds the annual number of old type driving licenses, which had been issued by 1995 by divisions of the State Inspection for Traffic Security of Povolgskiy region.

Such increase in the number of issued driving licenses in 1995-1998 is explained by exchange of old type driving licenses for new type licenses.

Several divisions of the Inspection started issuing only (100%) new type driving licenses beginning from the moment, when driving license issuance complexes were commissioned. It is stipulated by the agreement concluded by the Head Department of the State Inspection for Traffic Security of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of Russian Federation and OTT Joint-Stock Company.

It must have been said, however, that existing dynamic of putting complexes for issuing driving licenses into operation is not sufficient for beginning scheduled exchange of old driving licenses for new ones. The Head Department of the State Inspection for Traffic Security of the Ministry for Internal Affairs of Russian Federation brought this fact to the notice of OTT Joint-Stock Company in the end of 1998.

Konfin plans to put into operation 18 mobile and stationary complexes for driving license production. It means that complexes for driving license production will be opened in all Inter-Regional Registration and Examination Departments of the State Inspection for Traffic Security of Povolgskiy region.

For instance in Ulianovskiy region complexes for driving license production function in all Inter-Regional Registration and Examination Departments and all preconditions are available for beginning scheduled exchange of old type driving licenses for new type licenses.


Joint efforts of the State Inspection for Traffic Security, OTT Joint-Stock Company and Konfin CJSC, which are being made in the framework of the driving license project, lead to solving a difficult task faced by the State Automobile Inspection of Russian Federation - creating an up-to-date automated system of issuance and control of registration operations performed by divisions of the State Inspection for Traffic Security.

These efforts resulted in forming automated information and search systems "The Motor Transport" and "The Driver", which includes Subsystem "Phototeka", as well as in equipping all registration and examination divisions of the Inspection on the territory of Russian Federation with modern computer facilities. As for Konfin's activities, it supplied with necessary equipment those divisions, which are located on the territory of Povolgskiy region.

Now the Driving License Project is on the stage of completion of forming the network of complexes for issuing new type driving licenses.

After completing introduction of System "The Driver" and Subsystem "Phototeka" in all registration and examination divisions of the State Inspection for Traffic Security of Povolgskiy region, Konfin CJSC, together with regional departments of the Inspection, plans to equip posts of the Road Inspection operating on roads with mobile stations allowing exchange of information between them and regional information centers of the Inspection located in Povolgskiy region.

With the purpose of forming the database about drivers, exchange of old type driving licenses for new ones is performed, because when a driver is issued with a driving license, information about him is put in the database of driving licenses issued by divisions of the State Inspection for Traffic Security.

Data about all drivers, who got driving licenses in the result of exchange, is kept in one format and available for all divisions of the Inspection, which simplifies making inquiries about a driver from every road post irrespectively of the place, where a driving license was issued. Considering all above-stated information there are all grounds for conferring the federal status on System "The Driver". Joint efforts made by OTT and Konfin are aimed on this.

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Building, where driving licenses are produced

An employee of Konfin Close Joint-Stock Company accepts documents and enters the data into the program. Simultaneously he makes sure that the client has not been wanted or committed infringements of traffic rules

Photographing the client for the driving license

Photographing the client for the driving license

Cutting the photo by the special instrument

The client checks the driving license and signs it

Laminating the plastic driving license

The client receives the driving license from the inspector

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